24 July, 2011

Easy Chicken Pie

做这種肉派非常簡單,又好吃,蔬菜是隨意放的,食譜是有放三色豆,不过我沒有放,只放紅蘿蔔而已。Pastry: 250 gm flour 150gm butter 1tbsp sugar a pinch of salt 1 egg yolk 1~2 cold water Filing: 1 big onion 150gm~chicken breast meat, diced Carrot~cut into small pcs mushroom~cut into small pcs pototes~1 boiled and diced Seasoning: 1 ts or to taste,pepper Glazing: 1 egg,lightly beaten with salt Method: Put all the ingredients(except egg yolk and wat er) and mixed to a crumble. Add in egg yolk,water and mix into a soft dough. Keep dough in the refrigerator and rest for at least 30min. Filing: Fry the onion until soft,add chicken meat,carrot,button mushroom,lastly add in potatoes and water cook for 5 min. Add in salt,sugar and peper. Add in the constarch and stir to thicken mixture. Take some dough and press into a pie case. poke hole on the base using a fork,place filing on top and press firmly. Cut another pcs of dough to cover the top. Using fork,poke a few more times on the cover of the pie and glaze with beaten egg. Baked in a preheated oven at 180degree for 30min. Serve hot. 食譜取自:Yum yum 72期
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20 July, 2011


家里还剩一些cream cheese,看到网友做的这種原味芝士,心痒痒了,材料又有,还等什么呢,成品还不错,老公说蛋糕的上層烘久一点,会更好吃哦,看来功夫还要加油了! (a) cream cheese~70gm Fresh milk~35gm Butter~20gm (b) 蛋黃~2个 Sugar~10gm 低粉~10gm Jagung粉~20gm (c) 蛋白~2个 sugar~20gm 做法: 將(a)小火隔水备用,蛋黃和sugar打发,慢慢加入(a)芝士糊,然后筛入低粉及jagung粉,將(c)打泡至硬,將蛋白分次加入麵糊里,倒入已抹上油紙的6吋模具里,用140degree蒸烘水浴法慢烘45~50分钟,冷却后放在冰櫃享用。 忘了是那一位网友的分享,謝謝他。
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19 July, 2011


这种汤在我家可是常常都可以渴到的哦,因爲白木耳是窮人的燕窩,对皮膚和肿部都有滋潤的作用。1朵白木耳 20粒莲子(去心) 5粒紅枣 5粒龙眼 冰糖 水隨意 做法: 把木耳浸软,涨大,剪成小块,用沸水烫过木耳及紅枣,再用slow cooker煮大約一小时,同时把连子放入叧一个pot加水和糖煮至软,当木耳已软化后,加入龙眼,白果及莲子再煮三十分钟,便可享用了,謝謝litter of corner的食譜.
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14 July, 2011


这种滑滑的豆腐,很多人都喜歡拿来抄一些肉碎,很好下飯,小朋友也很爱哦! 全蛋~400gm salt~half ts 香濃无糖豆漿~500gm Corn flour~ 1ts a. 把蛋,salt打散備用。b. 煮滾豆槳,倒入corn flour 水. c. 於入8吋方形蒸盤,抺上少许油,舗上一層保鮮膜,把豆漿倒入蛋液中,用錫纸蓋好防水滴在豆腐上。 d. 大火stim30min, 等冷后オ可以切。
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07 July, 2011

Danish Bun

要挑戰这种面包已是很久了,因爲怕失敗,一直都没有勇气做,不过今天成品終於出来了,表皮真的很脆哦。 Ingredients dough: A. 90ml~water 1ts~yeast 1~egg B. 150gm~high protein flour 100gm~plain flour 20gm~sugar half ts~salt 1tbsp~milk powder 10gm~butter C. Pastry margarine ~120gm Method: Mix ingredient A until a soft dough is formed. Cover dough in cling wrap and let chill in the refrigerator for 20 min. Remove the chilled dough,sprinkle some flour on top.Roll out into an oblong with the length doubling the length of ingredients C. Place ingredient C in the centre of the dough. Cover butter by folding 1 side inward then fold the other side of the dough over it, Seal the edges. Roll the result into 3,wrap in cling wrap and chill in refrigerator for 5 min. Repeat it twice, put it in a refrigerator for at least 2 hrs. Happy Baking
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01 July, 2011


这道菜非常的入味和美味,喜愛南瓜的朋友,不妨试一试哦!材料如下: 南瓜~1kg 三層肉~400gm 配料及调味料: 蒜泥~少许 姜絲少许 salt~适量 sugar~适量 酱油~2ts 太白粉~2ts 胡椒粉 麻油 食油 白酒少许 1. 三層肉用醤油,sugar腌半个小时, 之后用油干煎炒至金黄. 2. 把姜丝与蒜泥用油爆香,倒入肉快炒,倒入切丁的南瓜,加入水,盖上锅焖10~15分钟,等待熟透及收汁即可。
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