22 October, 2010

Cheese Stick

今天从早上5点30分忙到晚上10点30分,就有做不完的工作,明天的早餐还没有着落,就做了cheese stick給家人享用。小孩超喜欢的,因为有放他们所喜爱的白糖嘛!



Hot Water - 33gm

High protein flour - 30gm

Sugar - 1 tbspoon

(B) Main dough:-

High protein flour - 200gm

Sugar - 3tbspoon

Egg - 25gm

Cold Water - 100gm

汤种 - 20gm

Instand yeast - 1 teaspoon

Butter -20gm

1. Seived (a) & add in hot water(more than 98 degree), set aside,
2. Combine all dry ingredients except butter, slowly add in cold water & egg on low speed to form a dough for 5 minutes.
3. Add in butter, mix to form a smooth and elastic dough. It takes about 15-20 minutes.
4. Mould them again into long shape and arrange on a greased baking tray. Lastly, let them set to rise for 1 hours or more.
5. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with shredded cheese & sugar.
6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200C for about 12-15 minutes until golden brown.

                                               Happy   Baking


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